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Re(2): [Lucene-dev] locating source code
Hi Ted

Thanks for your quick response.

The url that you have given me is tha same as that where I was looking, but all
I can see is code for the package demo, test and java.
I don't see the code that actually makes up lucene i.e the directories for the
packages index, document, analysis etc within the package org.apache.lucene

Are you able to see these directories ? Perhaps I need to register or something



Ted Husted (05/10/2001 10:44):
>Yes, see
> wrote:
>> Is it possible to access the source code on the jakarta web site via
>> the CVS tree (similar to sourceforge) ? I have tried looking at
>> but the source code is not visible to me.
>> Is there another way to access the source code using just a browser ?
>> Thanks for your help