Mailing List Archive

[ANNOUNCE] nftables 1.0.0 release

The Netfilter project proudly presents:

nftables 1.0.0

This release contains fixes, documentation updates and new features
available up to the Linux kernel 5.13 release, more specifically:

* Catch-all set element support: This allows users to define the
special wildcard set element for anything else not defined in
the set.

table x {
map blocklist {
type ipv4_addr : verdict
flags interval
elements = { : accept, : accept, * : drop }

chain y {
type filter hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
ip saddr vmap @blocklist

[. this feature is actually supported since 0.9.9, but it was not
included in the previous release announcement. ]

* Define variables from the command line through --define:

# cat test.nft
table netdev x {
chain y {
type filter hook ingress devices = $dev priority 0; policy drop;
# nft --define dev="{ eth0, eth1 }" -f test.nft

* Allow to use stateful expressions in maps:

table inet filter {
map portmap {
type inet_service : verdict
elements = { 22 counter packets 0 bytes 0 : jump ssh_input, * counter packets 0 bytes 0 : drop }

chain ssh_input {

chain wan_input {
tcp dport vmap @portmap

chain prerouting {
type filter hook prerouting priority raw; policy accept;
iif vmap { "lo" : jump wan_input }

* Add command to list the netfilter hooks pipeline for a given packet
family. If device is specified, then ingress path is also included.

# nft list hooks ip device eth0
family ip {
hook ingress {
+0000000010 chain netdev x y [nf_tables]
+0000000300 chain inet m w [nf_tables]
hook input {
-0000000100 chain ip a b [nf_tables]
+0000000300 chain inet m z [nf_tables]
hook forward {
-0000000225 selinux_ipv4_forward
0000000000 chain ip a c [nf_tables]
hook output {
-0000000225 selinux_ipv4_output
hook postrouting {
+0000000225 selinux_ipv4_postroute

* Allow to combine jhash, symhash and numgen expressions with the
queue statement, to fan out packets to userspace queues via

... queue to symhash mod 65536
... queue flags bypass to numgen inc mod 65536
... queue to jhash oif . meta mark mod 32

You can also combine it with maps, to select the userspace queue
based on any other singleton key or concatenations:

... queue flags bypass to oifname map { "eth0" : 0, "ppp0" : 2, "eth1" : 2 }

* Expand variable containing set into multiple mappings

define interfaces = { eth0, eth1 }

table ip x {
chain y {
type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
iifname vmap { lo : accept, $interfaces : drop }
# nft -f x.nft
# nft list ruleset
table ip x {
chain y {
type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
iifname vmap { "lo" : accept, "eth0" : drop, "eth1" : drop }

* Allow to combine verdict maps with interval concatenations

# nft add rule x y tcp dport . ip saddr vmap { 1025-65535 . : accept }

* Simplify syntax for NAT mappings. You can specify an IP range:

... snat to ip saddr map { : }

Or a specific IP and port.

... dnat to ip saddr map { : . 80 }

Or a combination of range of IP addresses and ports.

... dnat to ip saddr . tcp dport map { . 80 : . 8888-8999 }

And bugfixes.

You can download this new release from:

To build the code, libnftnl >= 1.2.0 and libmnl >= 1.0.4 are required:


Visit our wikipage for user documentation at:


For the manpage reference, check man(8) nft.

In case of bugs and feature request, file them via:


Happy firewalling.