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[ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.9.8 release

The Netfilter project proudly presents:

nftables 0.9.8

This release contains fixes, documentation updates and new features
available up to the Linux kernel 5.11-rc1 release.

* Complete support for matching ICMP header content fields.

... icmp type { echo-reply, echo-request} icmp id 1 icmp sequence 2
... icmpv6 type packet-too-big icmpv6 mtu 1280

* Add raw tcp option match support

... tcp option @42,16,4

where you can specify @kind,offset,length

* Allow to check for the presence of any tcp option

... tcp option 42 exists

* Support for reject traffic from the ingress chain:

table netdev x {
chain y {
type filter hook ingress device eth0 priority 0; policy accept;

tcp dport 22 reject with tcp reset

* Optimized bytecode generation for prefix match

# nft --debug=netlink x y ip saddr
[. payload load 3b @ network header + 12 => reg 1 ]
[ cmp eq reg 1 0x0002a8c0 ]

Resulting in two instructions instead of three (bitwise is removed on

* Support for several statements per set element. The example below
updates a set from the packet path (dynamic set), and it shows how
to ratelimit first then count packets that go through per set element.

table ip x {
set y {
type ipv4_addr
size 65535
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout 1h

chain z {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
update @y { ip daddr limit rate 1/second counter }

You can also use the multi-statement support for (non-dynamic) sets.

table ip x {
set y {
type ipv4_addr
limit rate 1/second counter
elements = {,, }

chain y {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
ip daddr @y

In this case, you can add new elements from the control plane:

# nft add element x y { }

which run the specified rate limit and counter statements.

This requires a Linux kernel >= 5.11-rc1.

* editline support for nft -i (CLI), you can enable it at compile time:

./configure --with-cli=editline

You can download this new release from:

To build the code, libnftnl >= 1.1.9 and libmnl >= 1.0.4 are required:


Visit our wikipage for user documentation at:


For the manpage reference, check man(8) nft.

In case of bugs and feature request, file them via:


Happy firewalling.