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Error importing old transaction data
FATAL error

DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: null value in column "order_number" violates not-null constraint at /usr/local/interchange/lib/Vend/Table/ line 1497.

Progress to date:

Using fields from file: 'code store_id order_number session username shipmode nitems subtotal shipping handling salestax total_cost fname lname company address1 address2 city state zip country phone_day phone_night fax email b_fname b_lname b_company b_address1 b_address2 b_city b_state b_zip b_country b_phone order_date order_ymd order_wday payment_method po_number avs order_id auth_code update_date status tracking_number affiliate campaign parent archived deleted complete comments currency_locale pay_cert_total pay_cert_ord_total '

However, when I examine the file, there are no null fields found in the column 'order_number'

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