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pinentry-tty: Line editing support (just like --loopback-mode)?

For the bug report of , I realized
that line editing of password is not supported well.

I think that in pinentry-tty, line editing should be supported just like
what GnuPG's does with tty_get_hidden function (only disabling echo, but
keep enabling line editing by ICANON).

I'm asking, because it will be a major change: it will be impossible for
a user of pinentry-tty to input some (control) characters. When a user
intentionally uses some (control) characters on purpose, and that's a
reason why the user uses pinentry-tty, it will be a regression.

Well, on a System V R3 machine, I once changed my password to include
'#' character in a user session. After logout of the session... In the
TTY discipline at the login prompt, '#' was the erase character. So, I
lost a way to input my password. (IIRC, there was no lnext character
support.) It was more than 20 years ago...

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