Mailing List Archive

[PATCH 04/16] general-concepts/tree: replace the mention of ChangeLog #558642
Package updates do not require changing of the ChangeLog file. Package
updates by users that do not mention what has changed is still
considered a common mistake however.

Signed-off-by: Gokturk Yuksek <>

diff --git a/ebuild-writing/common-mistakes/text.xml b/ebuild-writing/common-mistakes/text.xml
index 1718d55..1716e5d 100644
--- a/ebuild-writing/common-mistakes/text.xml
+++ b/ebuild-writing/common-mistakes/text.xml
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ of the application, if any exists.
-<title>Package updates without changing the ChangeLog</title>
+<title>Package updates without explaining what has changed</title>
