Mailing List Archive mercurial repositories shutdown
Hello all.

BitBucket announced mercurial repositories shutdown in April 2020 [1]
with an effective date July 2020. Now all mercurial repositories
switched to offline with message "Repository unavailable - Bitbucket
no longer supports Mercurial repositories".
Today we have 63 packages with in the SRC_URI and/or
HOMEPAGE variables in the tree. Here online list [2] and tracker bug
[3]. Please note, that BitBucket retired only mercurial repositories,
git repos are unaffected.

Please fix the ebuilds, in order to save them from getting on the
treeclean candidates list. Quick analysis says that most of the
projects have already moved their repositories to other sites (like
Github or Heptapod).

List of packages:

# name src_uri_fetch_error homepage_fetch_error
app-dicts/dikt True False
app-emulation/pcem False True
app-portage/pqlop True True
app-text/csvfix True True
app-vim/frawor True True
app-vim/gundo True False
app-vim/splice True False
dev-cpp/eigen True False
dev-db/sadisplay False True
dev-games/ogre True False
dev-haskell/equivalence False True
dev-haskell/fdo-notify False True
dev-haskell/setlocale False True
dev-haskell/stringsearch False True
dev-python/backports False True
dev-python/blockdiag False True
dev-python/chainmap False True
dev-python/cov-core False True
dev-python/cssutils False True
dev-python/django-auth-ldap False True
dev-python/et_xmlfile False True
dev-python/openpyxl True False
dev-python/polib False True
dev-python/pycountry False True
dev-python/pypeg2 False True
dev-python/pypy True False
dev-python/pypy3 True False
dev-python/pypy3-exe True False
dev-python/pypy-exe True False
dev-python/pytest-cache False True
dev-python/reportlab False True
dev-python/ruamel-std-pathlib True True
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-doxylink False True
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-newsfeed False True
dev-python/suds False True
dev-python/tempita True False
dev-python/whoosh False True
dev-ruby/pg False True
dev-vcs/tortoisehg True False
games-action/lugaru False True
games-arcade/opentyrian False True
mail-filter/courier-pythonfilter False True
media-gfx/qiv True True
media-libs/coin True True
media-libs/SoXt True False
media-libs/x265 True True
media-plugins/vdr-dvbhddevice True False
media-tv/v4l-dvb-saa716x True False
media-video/atomicparsley-wez True False
media-video/transcode False True
net-dns/mdns-repeater True True
net-misc/connect True True
net-misc/qtm True False
net-misc/sks True True
net-nds/shelldap True True
net-wireless/rfcat True True
sci-libs/ignition-math True False
sci-libs/tensorflow True False
sys-fs/fuse-zip True True
sys-power/ncpufreqd False True
x11-misc/openbox-menu True False
x11-plugins/purple-hangouts True True
x11-plugins/wmcpuwatch True True


From Siberia with Love!