Mailing List Archive

linstor-server 1.4.3 release
Hi All!

This bug fix release also lifts a restriction with etcd server, by now we
required to set the max-transaction to at least 1024 for etcd database.
This restriction
is now obsolete and the default of 128 should also work.
Apart from this we fixed quite a few bugs.

linstor-server 1.4.3
* Removed etcd transaction restriction
* Better logging settings for Linstor related logs
* SQL removed ON DELETE constraints
* Better physical-storage error checks
* Auto place can triggered again to re-autoplace depending on resource
group settings
* Property setters will now report what was changed
* ETCD fix incorrect property access
* Tiebreaker fixed takeover into diskless pools
* Fixed a rare race condition in HashMaps on satellite
* Flyway will no longer migrate if a newer database was detected
* Fixed rollback in transactional list/set
* Filethin provider correctly report allocated size
* New /controller/config rest-api
* Rest-API update to version 1.0.14

Linstor PPA:
