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privilege assignments and response time

We are asking for advice concerning privilege assignments, because we are facing a problem of performance with caldav.

We send many collection grants at a time and the response time is regularly superior than 50 seconds. So we are trying to modify the input file to reduce response time and avoid time out in our applications.

You will find bellow an example of a XML flow that we send to caldav (we just let one ACL in this file, but there can be many, up to 500 ACE in an ACL).

ACL /caldav.php/65325M1/calendar/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic blablablabla
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-length: 15871

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:acl xmlns:D="DAV:">

Many ACE have no privilege and thus their tags are empty. Actually, we do not know if that ACE had rights before sending the flow, so we send that ACE with no privilege. Is there a better way to do that?

First, we wonder whether the Deny tag is actually necessary in our case, knowing that if a principal cannot access another calendar we send a Grant tag without any privilege inside.
Then, how can we simply delete rights of a principal, so that they can be removed of the collection grants list of a calendar?


Sylvain BURGER
Responsable p?le Osiris
Poste : 1482