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New features in separate branches

For a very long time, I'm trying to maintain some rules and handlers that
are not part of the main cherokee distribution and since we are currently
still focused on solving bugs opposed to introducing more, new features
get a bitrotten over time.

Since Alvaro has suggested the following page, me git n00b, was already
experimenting with it. To my suprise with great success, I understood what
I was doing, and it looked pretty on the network page as well.

I started to work to get my older features in a more recent Cherokee
version and put them in separate branches which it would pull locally for
a deployment. I have just placed some new code on github that might be
interesting for more people. Do consider it experimental and not tuned for
any real world high performance scenario, but very useful for any service
that implements DBslayer, or some custom API.


It basically allows to count (based on unique IP address) each request
that passed by the rule. The rule will match if the predefined limit has
been exceeded.

Cherokee-dev mailing list