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mod_proxy_wstunnel question

I'm new to websockets and also pretty much to Apache. I am supposed to
implement a websockets backend, in C++ (which I do know) that a client
application will connect to in order to obtain live data.

One option I'm investigating is using mod_proxy_wstunnel, but I cannot
find any information on what a backend application using it is supposed
to implement itself. I imagine this works as follows: the remote client
(javascript running in a browser) sets up a websocket connection. Apache
deals with the details of TLS and authentication (in the form of a
client certificate), and starts a CGI handler application that just gets
individual websocket messages.

1) In general, is this a sensible approach or could I be doing this in a
much better way?

2) Is there a description somewhere of the data that the CGI handler is
going to send and receive? (I mean in terms of protocol; obviously the
message contents are my problem).

Thanks in advance,

H. Guijt

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