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Bug report --- compiling on FreeBSD
Re: Bug report --- compiling on FreeBSD [ In reply to ]
> Any help would be appreciated on how to edit the Makefile for the Apache httpd
> for setting the AUX_CFLAGS for FreeBSD2.0 or what changes need to be made in
> httpd.h to allow it to compile.

I have not compiled the server for FreeBSD but regularly compile for
NetBSD-current. They should be similar if not identical.

You need to define EXTRA_LIBS=-lcrypt.

That's it.

There is a define in httpd.h that includes <sys/param.h> for __NetBSD__.
Try adding -D__NetBSD__ to the Makefile if you have problems. This needs
to change as we get more feedback about portability issues such as these.

> BTW is anyone using the multihomed abilities of Apache? After configuring the
> ipconfig -alias, how hard is the httpd.conf setup? Any pointers sincerely
> appreciated!!

Add the following to your httpd.conf. Be sure to change the hostname
to that which you are using.

# Virtual Host Config
DocumentRoot /www/docs/
ErrorLog logs/
TransferLog logs/